Time Poor? Join The club!

By DSOA Studio Growth Coach, Jane Grech. We all need more time, yes? And we often say to ourselves “If only had more time!” or “If only there was an 8th day in the week!” That actually is my worst nightmare – an 8th day – because we all know we would fill it with…

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DSOs Just Wanna Have Fun!

SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY Welcome to Season 2, Episode #6 of our popular podcast series, “At The Barre” with your special guest hosts and successful studio owners , Jane Grech and Melanie Gard. The only podcast for dance studio owners, by dance studio owners. Jane Grech and Melanie Gard both run successful…

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Branding Like A Boss

Tips From The World’s Biggest Brands That You Can Apply To Your Dance Studio  In your dance studio, your brand is so much more than your logo or your signage. Your brand needs to sum up all of the experiences your dancers, their families and your potential dance families have with your studio. A strong…

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Pouring From An Empty Cup

SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY Welcome to Season 2, Episode #5 of our popular podcast series, “At The Barre” with your special guest hosts and successful studio owners , Jane Grech and Melanie Gard. The only podcast for dance studio owners, by dance studio owners. Jane Grech and Melanie Gard both run successful…

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The Magic Of Delegation

By Studio Growth Coach, Kristy Ellis Delegate: verb Entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself. “she must delegate duties so as to free herself for more important tasks” Synonyms: assign, entrust, give, pass on, hand on/over, turn over, consign, devolve, depute, transfer “she must learn to…

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Tech Hacks For Busy Studio Owners

SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY Welcome to Season 2, Episode #4 of our popular podcast series, “At The Barre” with your special guest hosts and successful studio owners , Jane Grech and Melanie Gard. The only podcast for dance studio owners, by dance studio owners. Jane Grech and Melanie Gard both run successful…

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Living Intentionally

SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY Welcome to Season 2, Episode #3 of our popular podcast series, “At The Barre” with your special guest hosts and successful studio owners , Jane Grech and Melanie Gard. The only podcast for dance studio owners, by dance studio owners. Jane Grech and Melanie Gard both run successful…

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