Posts Tagged ‘finance’
Making Friends With Your Studio Finances! With Justin Krane
Does ‘crunching the numbers’ make you feel a bit sick to your stomach when it comes to tracking, planning and investing your studio income? Today’s guest will have you jumping for joy when ‘Financial Fridays’ roll around! In This Podcast Justin Krane is passionate about advising studio owners on how to unite their money with…
Read MoreStop Planning – Take Action And Grow Your Studio Today! With Ben Fewtrell
We all know that taking time to create solid plans for your studio is crucial in pathing a successful way in business – but sometimes it can be so easy to fall into the habit of making plan after plan, and as incredible as those plans may be, they are lacking the most important step…
Read MoreBridging The Gap Between Passion and Profit – with Josh Patrick
You’re working after hours, making personal and social sacrifices but your bank balance isn’t getting any healthier and you’re emotionally burning out. If you’re tired of working for the love of what you do rather than building a profitable business and building your empire, then today’s guest is here to turn things around. Josh Patrick…
Read MoreNegotiating a lease for your studio
SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY You might be taking the leap from a hobby studio in the church hall into opening your own premises, or perhaps you are scaling up from your current location. No matter what the reason may be, deciding on a venue and signing your lease is a HUGE milestone…
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