Dance Studio Transformation Is Turning TWO!

This week the Amazon Bestseller for studio owners, Dance Studio Transformation is celebrating it’s 2 Year anniversary – and to celebrate we are giving it away for FREE!

Click here to download your free copy of the book today.

We also wanted to share some of our favorite tips and strategies straight from the pages, so check out today’s Dance Studio Transformation sneak-peek, which is all about effective offline marketing strategies.


Old School Marketing That Still Works Like A Gem!

It’s an area I am so passionate about, because in today’s digital world I am constantly seeing studios fall into the habit of rinse-and-repeat Facebook ads. And I totally understand why – they work, right?

Of course they do.

In fact, Facebook ads are hands-down the best way to attract new students to your studio today BUT while Facebook ads are what’s hot right now, they are not the ONLY thing that’s working.

It’s time to start thinking outside-the-digital-box for a moment, and dig into my best-kept offline marketing tips.

Are you ready for these?

Let’s do it.

1. Setting Up A Stall

Setting up a stall or table at a local mall or shopping centre is another way to generate awareness of your studio. Simply by setting up a great looking table with a TV playing a DVD of your last concert or recital, some pull up banners and possibly balloons to make it a little more appealing to the eye, you can generate loads of new leads.

Work on getting people signed up that very day for your 7 day unlimited class pass by booking them in to start next week.

You’ll also send them a confirmation email within 24 hours to confirm the details. You can also run a competition to win a month worth of classes. Collect their name, number, age and email address then you can call all the people who didn’t win and invite them in anyway for 7 days of classes for free.

This is a great way to build your lead database. The key here is to make sure you follow up with your leads within 48 hours.

2. Car Advertising

Do you have a car?

If you do I’d ask if you have your car branded?

Car branding is an extremely effective way to promote your studio. This is especially true if you do quite a bit of driving around your local area.

If possible, park your car out the front of your studio to drive additional promotion. The most important thing is to ensure you have an offer.

3. Studio Signage

Some studio owners have better locations than others when it comes to being able to promote the studio with street signage.

Go for a walk around your studio and look for all the potential opportunities where you could advertise your studio.

Do you have windows or space on the building for you to have a sign? Maybe you have windows that are easily accessible that you could change once a month with a new promotion?

3. Strategic Partnerships

You may have noticed that your local cafes may have loyalty cards for their regular coffee lovers…you know, buy 9 coffees and get the 10th free?

I’ve worked with a number of dance studios on a simple campaign where you sponsor their coffee cards.

Basically the studio pays for the cards to be designed and produced and you get one side of the card to advertise your business along with an offer.

5. Business Card Offer

It doesn’t get much more ‘offline’ than good old fashioned business cards!

Most studios owners I know don’t have a business card, and while technology is taking over slightly in this space a business card is still an excellent way to promote your studio when you’re out and about speaking with people.

Hot tip: The biggest mistake studio owners make when getting their business cards created is they don’t place an offer on it.

Don’t forget to grab your FREE copy of Dance Studio Transformation right here. 




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Start filling your summercamp classes now!

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Build a team that’s comfortable sharing feedback, motivated to continually improve & 100% aligned with your studio’s values & mission

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maximize the lifetime value & enjoyment of every student in your studio