Your Studio's Facebook Secret Weapon – with Marie Page

You’re so ready for a Facebook plan that works for your studio, which is why today we have the perfect guest to help you nail your niche in Facebook-land and beyond.

Whether it’s a simple and organic brand awareness campaign or a hardcore marketing strategy you’re working on, there is no doubt that Facebook is the place to be when it comes to getting your studio ‘out there’ in the right social media marketplace.

In today’s podcast

Clint and Marie cover:

  • Everything dance studio owners need o know about the elusive “Facebook algorithm”
  • What you need to be posting as part of your Facebook marketing strategy (and when)
  • The dreaded Facebook rejections you are all too familiar with, and how to avoid them

Plus Marie opens up about what you can expect from Facebook in the near future so you can stay one step ahead of your competitors.

About our guest, Marie Page

Marie Page is one of the UK’s leading Facebook marketing experts.

She is a founding partner of digital marketing consultancy The Digiterati and the Digiterati Academy, an e-learning portal for marketers and entrepreneurs. She recently published a book and online course “Winning at Facebook Marketing with Zero Budget”. For more  on Marie, make sure to check out

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About Us
The Dance Studio Owners Association is for studio owners who are ready to commit to building their dream studio through taking consistent action while accepting guidance and advice. It’s for new studio owners and experienced studio owners alike. No matter what stage you’re at in your business, you’ll gain valuable information to take your studio to new levels while becoming a go to studio in your area.

DSOA members also have exclusive access to some of the greatest minds in business through our expert masterclasses, one-on-one mentoring through our member makeover experience, and a monthly Q&A session that directly answers all your pressing questions about being a Studio Owner.  

Our association is a community. It’s a community of dance studio owners who have seen what Clint has not only produced with his own studio, but his Studio Owner clients and program members over 6 years. They’ve seen the results and they want to be a part of the action!

For more on the Dance Studio Owners Association check out our website at or visit our Facebook page

See you next week for another value-packed episode!



