7 Success Mindsets For Studio Owners

SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY The one main advantage that Clint did have was his passion for recognising and fostering the mental and mindset shifts he would need to make in order to run a successful dance studio and do it quickly. Today he shares his top 7 Success Mindsets for all Dance…

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Lead Like You Were Born To – A Conversation

SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY Renowned for her outcome-focused and team-centered leadership approach, Annie has inspired many companies to grow, reorganize and reach their greatest performance potential and is excited to offer Dance Studio Owners this same opportunity. If you want to receive business and marketing strategies in your inbox each week to help…

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The discounts that are killing your studio

If you’ve been following me on Facebook (you can add me here) then you know I’ve really taken it up a notch when it comes to my health and fitness. I had a big realisation a few weeks ago that if I want to achieve all these grand plans I have for my life and…

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Your IKEA student enrollment process

I’m a big fan of IKEA. For those that don’t know of IKEA…where have you been?  I’m joking, of course. If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a furniture company that is very cost effective and they really have some awesome pieces. I went there the other weekend as I needed a new desk and…

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Reboot The Growth In Your Dance Studio

SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY Creating business systems in your studio is crucial if you want to run a successful business. Join Clint as he walks you through the 5 pillars that all thriving studios have. You’ll also have the opportunity to sign up for our free online 14 day course Dance Studio…

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So you want more preschool students?

It’s Saturday morning and there I was at 9am – being a flower, sometimes a fairy, but I enjoyed being a lion most of all. Of course you all know I was teaching our preschool dance classes, right? I always enjoyed teaching the little ones because they are all so unique. They have no filter…

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Tapping into your Tappers (and so much more)

SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY Anthony opens up about your role as a teacher in supporting your students once outside of your tuition, preparing them for a new-era in this industry, as well as HOW and WHY you should be taking tap to the next level. If you want to receive business and…

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5 Tips To Building Your Dance Studio (on the side)

During the first year of my own dance studio, I was also working another job at a clothing store to help support the business. What I’ve found is that this still happens today – about 25% of our audience is building their business while working another job… and that’s OK. For me, I wanted to…

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Creating a Culture Within Your Studio

SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY Dee-Ann Turner has over 30 years’ experience as the Vice President of Corporate Talent at Chick-fil-A – a company that prides itself on its proven vibrant and influential company culture. She is also the author of “It’s My Pleasure”, a must-read book that highlights the two most important…

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