Archive for January 2018
Living The Dance Studio Dream – With Amanda & Nathan Barr
SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY Meet the couple who have built a thriving business, launched the innovative dance studio app ‘Azagi‘, raised a beautiful family…and who right now are running their Sydney-based studio from the beaches of Thailand. Nathan and Amanda Barr from Dance Sensations join Clint to share their best-kept secrets for…
Read MoreCould Your Studio Run Without You? – With Carrie Hawson
SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY This week we are looking at systemizing your studio, and the best ways you can set yourself up for a studio that not only survives, but thrives on auto-pilot. “The Process Pixie”, Carrie Hawson joins Clint today to share with you her golden nuggets for setting up flawless…
Read MoreHow Running A Dance Studio Is Like Saving Starfish
By DSOA Studio Growth Coach, Jane Grech. Let me ask you a question. Can you tell me the name of the last 5 winners of the Nobel Peace prize or the last 5 winners of the Pulitzer prize? On the other hand, can you name one teacher who has changed your way of thinking or…
Read MoreTransform Your Studio Into A Lean, Mean, Sales Machine
By Dance Studio Growth Coach, Kristy Ellis Have you ever broken down your dream financial goal into smaller amounts? It sounds simple, but bBreaking down your sales and financial goals will help you achieve your studio dream. Firstly, let’s look at what you want out of your studio. There are many types of successful studios,…
Read MoreFill Your Boys Dance Classes – With Kym Degenhart
SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY In today’s episode, join Clint and special guest Kym Degenhart to discover the best ways to get more boys involved in dance classes in your studio, and how to deliver the classes that keep them engaged, motivated and thriving in the dance industry! Studio Owner Extraordinairre, Kym Degenhart,…
Read MoreChanging The Lives Of Your Dancers – With Kim McSwain
SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY Join Clint and the phenomenal Kim McSwain for this empowering interview that unlocks the meaning and passion behind being a dance teacher. Dance convention favorite, Kim McSwain is truly one-of-a-kind. The connections she makes with each and every student is renowned, and today she opens up with Clint…
Read MoreWhy Create a Culture of Care? (and how to protect it as you grow)
By DSOA Studio Growth Coach, Jane Grech. When I first started my studio in one of my main focus points was to create a special place where caring for people was a priority. This was included in my teaching philosophy where I talk about my students “looking back on their time learning ballet and dance…
Read MoreThe Viral Dance Studio – With David Feinman
SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY In this not-to-be-missed interview, Clint chats with video marketing guru David Feinman who is here to debunk all the video myths you thought you knew, and give you the tools you need to confidently step up your video-game in your social and digital marketing. We all know that…
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