How To Generate A Truck Load Of Publicity For Your Dance Studio

SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY Clint interviews Sue Papadoulis who is the founder of Publicity For Profit. If you’re looking to generate publicity for your dance studio to stand out from your competition then this episode if for you. Join Clint and Sue as they discuss how you create a publicity campaign that…

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Mia Michaels On Success And Your Dance Studio

SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY She is an Emmy Award winner and now Mia Michaels is speaking with Clint about her career, what’s ahead and how studio owners and teachers can grow their students and business. If you want to receive business and marketing strategies in your inbox each week to help GROW your Dance…

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A big enrollment mistake studio owners are making

SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON iTUNES TODAY Bringing new student enrollments into your studio is a crucial part of having a successful business. Join Clint as he shares what the problem is and how to fix it. If you want to receive business and marketing strategies in your inbox each week to help GROW your Dance Studio,…

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